Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Supporting role for Lewis Moody

England and Leicester Tigers rugby star Lewis Moody MBE is putting his weight behind the launch of two new sports support products being launched by Manchester based sports support and equipment specialist Vulkan.

The new Vulkan Si line has been developed to provide faster recovery from injury. Offering unique silicone support around the key areas of the muscles and joints, the range is available for knee, ankle, elbow and wrist injuries.

Vulkan Advanced Elasticated is the latest lightweight support product from the company. Developed using Nanoflextra, it has anti bacterial properties and helps to remove excess sweat from the injury site whilst offering enhanced support.

Also heat retaining, Vulkan Advanced Elasticated is claimed to help improve blood flow to the site of the injury, speeding up recovery time.

Both ranges will be launched and available from September.

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